cute! hey!
My name is alexis too! Lol'
cute! hey!
My name is alexis too! Lol'
hey chakra!
REmember me? its me shadowslilfoamy from u tube! Lol! I still love this series!
very awesome!
I hate that damn penguin stealin kirby's thinder though! Lol!
super secret AGENT MAN!!
So awesome! Go samus!
Ean is soooo um..never mind. Go kirby! I love u! Love the mentos message taker song! loL!
Meow! Great job!
Shooting is fun!
go kirby!
I Think closed caption is an ok idea. BUT what if for some reqson someone of a different language tries to understand it, and sues newgrounds caude he cant, and..and then kirby gets shot and sonic gets run over and i turn out to be insane, AND OMG I HAVE A MIGRANE!!! well um yeah its ur rulez! ^~^
Very cool pikanjo!
not bad
Hey i know ppl are tellin ya wrong title. So im sayin somethin different. Great animation of the sonic ova movie! i Love sonic. juSt change da title. doNT sweat it! everYbody makes mistakes. ^~^
This is mostly to hold games to stream.
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Joined on 11/21/07