hahahaha i figured you'd be derpy! Awesome!
hahahaha i figured you'd be derpy! Awesome!
oh god please do another!!!!
My favorite series.....of all time. One day...Im going to make beautiful stories just like you ^~^ thank you for inspiring me further to keep trying
very funny! love it ^~^
Oh god this is actually all really true. I saw only the cutscenes and didnt play the game. It was darker than usual but it felt like everything was so misplaced! Nothing was completely fleshed out and it was just jumbled emotions everywhere! Great job as always!
Yeah, it felt more like a collection of concepts then a whole narrative.
But hey, they're handing me my parody on a siler platter I guess.
Completely hilarious. I really enjoyed this it was brilliant!
much love to this series! I freakin laughed so hard each time! Great job! Never cease to impress!
always been a newgrounder for years.
youtube is just for music anyway...tho they r slowly rotting that away too.
great message and trust me tons of my friends here on newgroiunds get their stuff stolen too its terrible
wat the hell happens in ur house tom?!
lol great vid guys the animation still smooth as ever!
it was a bit short..
but when mickey talked about the gun...his story sorta...it made me realize he meant that he was sumone who didnt live in a fantasy world like video gamers sumtimes do. he was out there on the gritty streets and he did so many things he either regretted, shoved off, or never forgot. he probably had guns pointed at him so many times he cud memorize each type and each unsure glare of the trigger holder.
he knew why they picked him. he was sumone who wasnt bullshit. who didnt try to impress people. he was differnt. he wqas the boss.
and he is the boss whenevre the boss cud remember a time where he didnt work a job like this and probably lived on the knowledge of the streets.
Mickey doesnt need video games. he just needed peace of mind.
and it didnt come from a controller or gun. it came from him knowing that he may not live to see another day but hed sure as hell live out the ones hes got.
great episode. i rly liked it and it showed a whole nother not softer but more subtle and wiser side of himself.
This is mostly to hold games to stream.
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